ASIO X Solution In Your Industry

Water Infrastructures

Sewer Networks Inspection

ASIO X drone with lights on hovers over water in in sewer, its propellers creating ripples on the water's surface.

Relevant Features

AI Based Defect Detection

Integrated Gas Detection

Longest Flight Time

Orientable Integrated Lidar

Super Bright Lighting

Relevant Pilot Assists

Above-Water Mode


Robust Stabilization

Unlock an easy flight experience in sewer and water infrastructure thanks to the assistances specifically designed for these environments.

Ageing sewer systems and water tunnels pose grave risks globally: cracks, rust and leaks endanger safe drinking water, and may trigger city sinkholes. Conventional methods falter in supporting efficient inspection & maintenance, risking human lives and the environment. Flybotix offers ASIO X, a field validated safe solution for water tunnels and wastewater network inspection & digitalization, without human entry. Thanks to its market-leading 20-minute flight time ASIO X is the ideal solution for efficient inspections in long structures of sewer networks. ASIO X offers a unique Tube lock assistance, an advanced algorithm that uses onboard sensors to keep the drone stable inside the sewers tube, enabling a worry-free flight and ensure quality data collection. This algorithm is robust to sudden changes in structure, ensuring a safe flight.


Hydropower / Windfarms / Industrial Carbon Management / Heat production

An ASIO X drone is flown inside a penstock, viewed over the shoulder of a pilot wearing a safety vest and operating the drone with a remote control.

Relevant Features

AI Based Defect Detection

Asset Management

Gas detection

Longest Flight Time

Orientable Integrated Lidar

Super Bright Lighting

Relevant Pilot Assists

Above-Water Mode

Robust Stabilization


Streamline assets management by centralizing indoor and outdoor inspections with growing AI analytics capabilities, be ready for the future. 

Energy production is in the maelstrom of climate change and the transition to more sustainability, security, efficiency and transparency has started. The digital transformation is affecting how asset owners manage aging infrastructures or wants to operate in a modern era using digital twins. Welcome to edge of innovation where ASIO Solution will enhance safety, allow asset owners to streamline analysis, integrate smoothly into corporate systems to raise efficiency while reducing human and environmental risks. 


Flybotix ASIOX Drone flying in front of rusted metal background.

Relevant Features

AI Based Defect Detection

Longest Flight Time

Orientable Integrated Lidar

Super Bright Lighting

Relevant Pilot Assists

Above-Water Mode

Robust Stabilization

Illuminate the Depths: Uncover the Future of Maritime Inspections with ASIO X Drone and its Super Bright Lighting 

Welcome to the forefront of maritime inspection technology with the ASIO X drone. Engineered to navigate and inspect the demanding environments of maritime operations, the ASIO X drone ensures enhanced safety, efficiency, and precise data collection. Explore the innovative features that make the ASIO X drone an indispensable asset for your maritime inspections. 


Safety is paramount in maritime inspections, and the ASIO X drone excels with its integrated multi-gas detection payload. Equipped with highly accurate sensors, the drone can detect a variety of hazardous gases, including H₂S, CO, LEL, and O₂. This capability allows for rapid identification and monitoring of gas levels, ensuring the safety of crew members and compliance with safety regulations. 


ASIO X drone flying inside an underground mine.

Relevant Features

AI Based Defect Detection

Gas Detection

Longest Flight Time

Orientable Integrated Lidar

Super Bright Lighting

Relevant Pilot Assists

Above-Water Mode

Robust Stabilization

Illuminate the Depths: Uncover the Future of Underground Mining with ASIO X Drone and its super bright lighting.  

Welcome to the forefront of underground mining technology with the ASIO X indoor inspection drone. Engineered to navigate and inspect the demanding environments of mining operations, the ASIO X drone ensures enhanced safety, efficiency, and precise data collection. Explore the innovative features that make the ASIO X drone an indispensable asset for your mining operations. 


Safety is paramount in underground mining, and the ASIO X drone excels with its integrated multi-gas detection payload. Equipped with highly accurate sensors, the drone can detect a variety of hazardous gases, including H₂S, CO, LEL, and O₂. This capability allows for rapid identification and monitoring of gas levels, ensuring the safety of workers and compliance with safety regulations. 


ASIO X drone flying in a dusty area of a cement industry site with its lights on, illuminating through the dust particles.

Relevant Features

AI Based Defect Detection

Longest Flight Time

Orientable Integrated Lidar

Super Bright Lighting

Relevant Pilot Assists

Robust Stabilization

Tube Lock

Wall Lock

Reduce cost of shutdown and prevent dangerous human entry in cement plants. 

Cement dust particles are dangerous for the respiratory system, they put worker at risk if not equiped with appropriate protection equipment. ASIO X can operate in dusty environment without requiring human entry. With a market-first radar based stabilization,  ASIO X remains stable even in a dust filled atmosphere. Furthermore, the unique combination of highly efficient propulsion system and low mass creates little air downwash under the propellers, thus limiting the formation of cement dust clouds, for clearer inspection. 


Cement silos are large structures whose inspection traditionally require rope access. With ASIO X, no human entry is required. The range extender allows to place the antenna inside the silo, while the drone operator remains safely outside of the silo. Ensure structural integrity of silos by performing regular inspection of the inside. The Wall Lock flight assistance helps the operator keep a constant distance and angle to the inspected wall. This ensures reliable visual inspection, while reducing the operator workload. 


Tanks / Pressure vessels (Storage, Fermenter, Silos, Bins)

ASIO X drone flying with lights on inside a brick chimney with metal handlebars.

Relevant Features

Integrated Gas Detection

Longest Flight Time

Super Bright Lighting

Super Bright Lighting

Orientable Integrated Lidar

Stable in Harsh Environements

Relevant Pilot Assists

Robust Stabilization

Wall Lock

Fly stress-free in Chemical tanks with the support of Radar-based advanced stabilization technology 

Inspecting tanks and pressure vessels is particularly dangerous for human workers due to the presence of toxic gases and vapors from chemicals. Moreover, these assets are typically operated under pressure and thus subject to high structural stress. Robotics-based inspections can help reduce exposition to risk for humans while offering considerable savings in productivity and reputation. Confined space drones represent a remarkably well-adapted solution in light of its affordability, effectiveness, and versatility. 


Flybotix offers ASIO X, a field-validated solution for drone-based inspection of storage tanks and pressure vessels in the Chemical industry. By virtue of its stability in harsh environments, coupled with the integrated multi-gas detection capability, ASIO X represents here a compelling solution. The system detects, locates, and quantifies 4 gases: Methane, Hydrogen Sulphide, Oxygen, and Carbon Monoxide. The temperature & Humidity levels are also provided. This feature helps the technicians to intervene swiftly in case of potential hazards, ensuring better situational awareness, and a safer working environment. Drone pilots love ASIO’s market-leading 20-minute flight time. They avoid the stress of frequent back-and-forth flights for battery changing. It even speeds up inspections and reduces asset downtime.  

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Our Team

Elevate Your Inspection Process

Connect with our team for a firsthand look at the drone’s stability, assist functions, and maneuverability, ensuring all your questions are answered to experience our advanced technology.